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The Loader

This model represents a simplified front-end of a front loader and consists of the following FE Parts:

  • Loader Front Frame
  • Lifting Arm
  • Bucket
  • Bell crank
  • Bucket link

The hydraulic cylinders are represented by Axial Springs and Dampers, while the joints are represented by Revolute joint objects.


Basic lifting operation

The model is activated with a time-dependent function for the spring elongation.

The model is loaded by increasing the mass in the bucket.

Solver control with Python API

from pathlib import Path

from fedempy.fmm_solver import FmmSolver
from fedempy.modeler import FedemModeler
from fedempy.enums import FmDof, FmDofStat, FmLoadType, FmType, FmVar


Load driven Digital Twin


from pathlib import Path

from fedempy.fmm_solver import FmmSolver
from fedempy.modeler import FedemModeler
from fedempy.enums import FmDof, FmDofStat, FmLoadType, FmType, FmVar

from _clean_path import clean_path

# Global constants
RELATIVE_PATH = '00-loader-Base_case/'
MODEL_FILE    = '00-loader-Base_case.fmm'
PARTS_PATH    = 'parts/'

# Prepare run directory (=RELATIVE_PATH)
model_file = Path(RELATIVE_PATH) / MODEL_FILE
# parts_path = '../'*RELATIVE_PATH.count('/') + PARTS_PATH

my_model = FedemModeler(str(model_file), force_new=True)

p1 = my_model.make_fe_part(PARTS_PATH + 'Front.flm')
p2 = my_model.make_fe_part(PARTS_PATH + 'Boom.flm')
p3 = my_model.make_fe_part(PARTS_PATH + 'Bucket.flm')
p4 = my_model.make_fe_part(PARTS_PATH + 'BellCrank.flm')
p5 = my_model.make_fe_part(PARTS_PATH + 'BucketLink.flm')
my_model.edit_part([p1, p2, p3, p4, p5],
    alpha2=0.00286, component_modes=0, consistent_mass=True)

my_model.edit_part(p2, Tx=0.01080263, Tz=-0.77487206)
my_model.edit_part(p3, Tx=-0.64636636, Tz=-2.0328088, Ry=-30, Rz=-180)
my_model.edit_part(p4, Tx=-3.2499752, Ty=-2.8376081, Tz=0.04694241, Ry=21.814096)
my_model.edit_part(p5, Tx=-2.041544, Ty=-0.92750001, Tz=0.12191465, Ry=-4.9156169)

# Create revolute joints coupling the FE parts together and to ground
joints = []
joints.append(my_model.make_joint('Rev1', FmType.REVOLUTE_JOINT, 8))
joints.append(my_model.make_joint('Rev2', FmType.REVOLUTE_JOINT, 11))
joints.append(my_model.make_joint('Rev3', FmType.REVOLUTE_JOINT, 19, 7))
joints.append(my_model.make_joint('Rev4', FmType.REVOLUTE_JOINT, 24, 6))
joints.append(my_model.make_joint('Rev5', FmType.REVOLUTE_JOINT, 38, 22))
joints.append(my_model.make_joint('Rev6', FmType.REVOLUTE_JOINT, 33, 17))
joints.append(my_model.make_joint('Rev7', FmType.REVOLUTE_JOINT, 49, 21))
joints.append(my_model.make_joint('Rev8', FmType.REVOLUTE_JOINT, 48, 20))
joints.append(my_model.make_joint('Rev9', FmType.REVOLUTE_JOINT, 56, 47))
joints.append(my_model.make_joint('Rv10', FmType.REVOLUTE_JOINT, 55, 35))

my_model.edit_joint(joints[2], Ry=90, Rz=-90)
[my_model.edit_joint(id, Rx=90) for id in joints[3:]]

f1 = my_model.make_function('Lift Cylinders',
    frequency=0.625, amplitude=0.15, delay=0.25, mean_value=0.15, end=0.8)

f2 = my_model.make_function('Boom Cylinder',
    slope=-0.5, start_ramp=0.5, end_ramp=1.2)

f3 = my_model.make_function('Rotation Front',
    frequency=0.5, amplitude=0.262, delay=0.25, mean_value=0.262, end=1.0)

f4 = my_model.make_function('Bucket Load',
    slope=50000, start_ramp=0.7, end_ramp=1.2)

my_model.edit_joint(joints[0], constraints={'Rz' : FmDofStat.SPRING},
    spring={'Rz' : 1.0e9}, length={'Rz' : f3})

cyl = my_model.make_spring('Lift cylinder', [(9, 23), (10, 18)],
    init_Stiff_Coeff=1.0e9, length=f1)

cyl.append(my_model.make_spring('Boom cylinder', (5, 50),
    init_Stiff_Coeff=1.0e9, length=f2))

my_model.make_load('Load', FmLoadType.FORCE, 39, (0, 0, -1), fn=f4)

my_model.fm_solver_setup(t_inc=0.01, t_end=1.6)

# Solver setup and execution
my_solver = FmmSolver()
my_solver.solve_all(str(model_file), True, True)


Low-code modeling


target_file: 02-loader-y100.fmm
file_exists: OVERWRITE!

  p1: [parts/Front.ftl]
  p2: [parts/Boom.ftl]
  p3: [parts/Bucket.ftl]
  p4: [parts/BellCrank.ftl]
  p5: [parts/BucketLink.ftl]

  Front_fix_bottom:                [Front bottom bearing housing to ground,    p1, node,  441]
  front_fix_top:                   [Front top bearing housing to ground,       p1, node,  211]
  front_right_housing:             [Front right bearing housing,               p1, node,   38]
  front_left_housing:              [Front left bearing housing,                p1, node,   58]
  front_top_cylinder_attachment:   [Front top cylinder attachment point,       p1, node,   18]
  front_right_cylinder_attachment: [Front right cylinder attachment point,     p1, node,  222]
  front_left_cylinder_attachment:  [Front left cylinder attachment point,      p1, node,  235]

  boom_rear_right_houding:         [Boom right rear bearing housing,           p2, node, 1038]
  boom_rear_left_housing:          [Boom left rear bearing housing,            p2, node,  178]
  boom_front_right_housing:        [Boom right front bearing housing,          p2, node,  715]
  boom_front_left_housing:         [Boom left front bearing housing,           p2, node,    5]
  boom_right_bellcrank_housing:    [Boom right bearing housing to BellCrank,   p2, node,  545]
  boom_left_bellcrank_housing:     [Boom left bearing housing to BellCrank,    p2, node,  424]
  boom_right_cylinder_attachment:  [Boom right cylinder attachment point,      p2, node,  829]
  boom_left_cylinder_attachment:   [Boom left cylinder attachment point,       p2, node,  119]

  bucket_right_housing:            [Bucket right housing,                      p3, node,  509]
  bucket_mid_housing:              [Bucket midt housing,                       p3, node,  451]
  bucket_left_housing:             [Bucket left housing,                       p3, node,  284]

  bellcrank_top_housing:           [BellCrank top housing,                     p4, node,  420]
  bellcrank_bottom_housing:        [BellCrank bottom housing,                  p4, node,   14]
  bellcrank_right_housing:         [BellCrank right housing,                   p4, node,  276]
  bellcrank_left_housing:          [BellCrank left housing,                    p4, node,  244]

  bucketlink_rear_houding:         [BucketLink rear housing,                   p5, node,  575]
  bucketlink_front_housing:        [BucketLink front housing,                  p5, node,  174]

  p1: &link_property
    alpha2: 0.00286
    component_modes: 0
    consistent_mass: True
    <<: *link_property
    Tx:  0.01080263
    Tz: -0.77487206

    <<: *link_property
    Tx:   -0.64636636
    Tz:   -2.0328088
    Ry:  -30
    Rz: -180
    <<: *link_property
    Tx: -3.2499752
    Ty: -2.8376081
    Tz:  0.04694241
    Ry: 21.814096
    <<: *link_property
    Tx: -2.041544
    Ty: -0.92750001
    Tz:  0.12191465
    Ry: -4.9156169

  j01: [Front bottom to ground,        BALL_JOINT, Front_fix_bottom]
  j02: [Front top to ground,           BALL_JOINT, front_fix_top]

  j03: [Front to boom right,           BALL_JOINT, front_right_housing,      boom_rear_right_houding]
  j04: [Front to boom left,            BALL_JOINT, front_left_housing,       boom_rear_left_housing]

  j05: [Boom to bucket right,          BALL_JOINT, boom_front_right_housing, bucket_right_housing]
  j06: [Boom to bucket left,           BALL_JOINT, boom_front_left_housing,  bucket_left_housing]

  j07: [Bucket link rear,              BALL_JOINT, bucketlink_rear_houding,  bellcrank_bottom_housing]
  j08: [Bucket link front,             BALL_JOINT, bucketlink_front_housing, bucket_mid_housing]

  j09: [Boom to bellCrank right,       BALL_JOINT, boom_right_bellcrank_housing, bellcrank_right_housing]
  j10: [Boom to BellCrank left,        BALL_JOINT, boom_left_bellcrank_housing,  bellcrank_left_housing]

hydraulic_cylinders:  # User-defined function
  Top_cylinder:   [Top cylinder,   front_top_cylinder_attachment,
    bellcrank_top_housing, 0.15, 0.12, 0.05, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0e+4]

  Right_cylinder: [Right cylinder, front_right_cylinder_attachment,
    boom_right_cylinder_attachment, 0.15, 0.12, 0.05, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0e+6]

  Left_cylinder:  [Left cylinder,  front_left_cylinder_attachment,
    boom_left_cylinder_attachment, 0.15, 0.12, 0.05, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0e+6]

    kind: PART
    ORIGINAL_FE_FILE: parts/Front.ftl

      - [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
      - [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0]
      - [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]

    DESCR: Front no. 2 | tagging_2